For sale is reprint of hammarlund hq160 communications receiver manual. The hq145 is essentially a hq180 without the 60 kc if. Hammarlund radio schematics west florida components. Some late production units had black lettering for the name and model number. The hammarlund receivers that started with the hq120, then hq129x, then hq140x, then hq150x, and finally the hq145 were much more stable than any other of the hammarlund series including the various superpro models and the hq100, hq110, hq160, hq170, and hq180 models. The hammarlund hq 160 general coverage receiver tunes from 540 to 30000 khz in six ranges. Information on the hammarlund company, and its amateur radio products. I am now accepting new manuals for inclusion in this archive.
In addition, a slot depth control can provide an additional 20 db of rejection at any one single frequency. On 160 and 80 meters the receiver operates in dual conversion mode and v3 is operated as an amplifier. Dec 27, 2002 model hq160 1958, the first major improvement to the series. Most of the schematics we have on hand are for radios from the 1920s 1930s. I now have had a chance to own and operate 6 of the hammarlund hqs, from the 120 thru the 160.
I dont think hammarlund would have used a 350 volt cap on pin 8 of the 5u4. Oct 10, 2009 overall view and demo on various bands. Your hammarlund receiver is designed to give you the very best results. This site helps you to save the earth from electronic waste. In 2017, i began work on an hq170 for a friend, and my stable of hq180s. This feature of calibrated band spread, including a 300degree readout scale, was an.
Discontinued amateur receivers accessories the hammarlund hq 110 amateur receiver tunes the basic amateur bands. My hammarlund hq120x was a 2002 christmas present from my elmer milt moratis w3xx ex k3ami of pittsburgh pa. Under good am conditions the audio is taken directly from the hq 160 with its wider passband but when the going is tough the audio is taken from the hc10 which has the same final 60 khz. Hammarlund hq160 hq160 communications receiver manual. Sections on installation, general operation instructions, circuit theory, service and alignment procedure and maintenance. Unless it has the optional true bfo, the hq 100a just puts one of the i. Here is a picture i took when we were having discussions about the audio response of the hq 160 170180 series. Hammarlund was most famous for its amateurshortwave receiver line.
While it was designed for both am and cw ssb use, tuning in either cw or ssb signals can be frustrating. This unit is often found with larger, usersupplied, tuning knobs. Usually hammarlund used the letter x to designate a model which included a crystal calibrator, and the letter c to describe models including a clock. We have over brands models available for email delivery. The first ads proclaim the hq129 to be essentially the same as the hq120 but has several improvements and modifications. Find hammarlund hq 160 rigs and spare parts on ebay find the hammarlund hq 160 on amazon the hammarlund hq 160 general coverage receiver tunes from 540 to 30000 khz in six ranges. The hq 150 features a true qmultiplier with both peak and reject. I think the hq 160 is a good quality rig for the money and provides good performance. Hammarlund radio schematics schematics for antique and vintage tube radios are available in jpg format. I am a big fan of the early single conversion hammarlunds, the hq 150 is in the same family as the hq 120, 129, 140, etch, when properly recapped, tubes, resistors changed, etch and gone through proper alignment which is critical for all in this series they are great old receivers. On 160 and 80 meters the receiver operates in dual. It rates as one of my best boatanchors for band cruising because of its versitile filtering methods using a qmultiplier and a separate slot filter.
View and download hammarlund hq 160 instruction and service information online. Hammarlund hq170ac performance test hammarlund hq170a. The hq150 features a true qmultiplier with both peak and reject. Woodys w0ui amateur ham radio hammarlund hq110c hf. The hq 150, the hq 150x were the last of the large single conversion hammarlund general coverage receivers. Manual includes tube socket voltageresistance tables. Discontinued amateur receivers accessories the hammarlund hq110 amateur receiver tunes the basic amateur bands. Making changes will result in the 5 megohm resistor being in series with the bias lead to the avc bus in the hq 170. In 2011 i saw an add on ebay for a hq 110a offered for sale as not working so i bid and it was soon sitting on my work bench. General coverage receiver hq150 amateurr hammarlund mfg.
Since i dont listen to ham radio, i eventually sold it and used the money to buy a hallicrafters sx42 this set was complete, original, and sparkling clean, although cosmetically not quite as spiffy as my other two hammarlunds. It is relatively easy to work on and easy to operate. Hammarlund hq 160 communications receiver 1958 hammarlund s200 speaker 1958 when a fellow collector offered me this hammarlund radio with a matching speaker and its original manual, i just couldnt pass it up, even though its quite similar to my hammarlund hq 180ac theres not much to say about its condition, except that its wonderful. The 5 megohm resistor isolates the bias supply and prevents this lead from affecting the avc circuit. Some of that repair information may be helpful to you on an hq 145. The hq150 was the last of the large single conversion hammarlund general coverage receivers. Some people go up to 100 uf for the input section, but this is asking for a lot of the solid state rectifiers in the a version. Vintage hammarlund model hq180 ham communications radio. One of my favorite hammarlund general coverage all mode setups is a hq 160 with the external hc10 converter. Making changes will result in the 5 megohm resistor being in series with the bias lead to the avc bus in the hq170. One can help but notice the dramatic dynamic range drop off on the higher bands and a quick study of the schematic shows the likely reason.
It featured coverage from 540 kc to 30 mc with calibrated amateur band spread. Simply put, the hq170 is a ham band only 160 through 6 meter receiver. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Early production featured the hammarlund name and model in red lettering. The hq 110a is an 12 tube dual conversion superhetrodyne circuit with q multiplier, a 100 khz calirator and an am plus a cwssb linear product detector. The hq120 was truly ahead of its time when first introduced in december, 1938.
The first input filter capacitor is not quite big enough to get rid of all of it. The hammarlund hq 129x is the postwar successor to the hq 120x. View topic hammarlund hq160 filter caps antique radio. Unless it has the optional true bfo, the hq100a just puts one of.
May 21, 2005 the hammarlund receivers that started with the hq 120, then hq 129x, then hq 140x, then hq 150x, and finally the hq 145 were much more stable than any other of the hammarlund series including the various superpro models and the hq 100, hq 110, hq 160, hq 170, and hq 180 models. Hammarlundroberts, how to build the fivetube receiver 1925. For example, bill tells me that he picked up a hammarlund hq150 a few years. In 2011 i saw an add on ebay for a hq110a offered for sale as not working so i bid and it was soon sitting on my work bench. When i arrived at the sellers house in virginia, i could hardly believe what i saw it was this hq180ax, with its original box. Antique radio forums view topic hammarlund hq 110a. Hammarlund ultimate ham radio operation repair service. When properly adjusted, the selectivity is a delight, and it is fun. In this page you find schematic, users and instructions manuals, service manuals, technical supplement, leaf leads and other good stuff. With the hq 120, introduced in december, 1938, hammarlund engineers succeeded in slashing the price by two thirds, while retaining most of the important features of the. The hammarlund hq160 general coverage receiver tunes from 540 to 30000 khz in six ranges. Includes company history, photos, manuals and specifications, service articles and tips.
A prototype hq129x that looks like a modified hq120x appeared in the november 1945 fullpage ad in radio news page 24. The hq110a is an 12 tube dual conversion superhetrodyne circuit with q multiplier, a 100 khz calirator and an am plus a cwssb linear product detector. K4xvs bama this manual is provided free of charge from the boatanchor manual archive as a service to the boatanchor community. The hammarlund hq145x multipurpose continu ous coverage communications receiver incorporates. Model hq160 1958, the first major improvement to the series. I think the hq160 is a good quality rig for the money and provides good performance. The hq 150 was the last of the large single conversion hammarlund general coverage receivers. Inc new york, ny, build 19461953, 19 pictures, 12 schematics, 10 tubes, united states of america. When a fellow collector offered me this hammarlund radio with a matching speaker and its original manual, i just couldnt. A prototype hq 129x that looks like a modified hq 120x appeared in the november 1945 fullpage ad in radio news page 24. Thanks milt i clearly remember that summer day back in 1973 when at age 15 i rode my 3 speed stingray bike to perrysville elementary school, where milt was the principal, to take my novice exam. Make sure to bleed off capacitors with an insulated and grounded screw driver. Hammarlund hq160 instruction and service information manualslib.
Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians. The hammarlund hq100 and later the hq100a was a very popular novice swl, general coverage radio from the 1960s. Wide open the radio sounds great listening to the am class e. View and download hammarlund hq100 service manual online. The hq 145 variable selectivity crystal filter will outperform the simple filter in the hallicrafters sx99 that i rebuilt in another article. The hammarlund hq129x is the postwar successor to the hq120x.
Jul 02, 2012 also, like most hammarlund receivers, it is pretty drifty above around 15 mhz. When i received my ham radio licence in 1959, hammarlund receivers were my dream. Also, like most hammarlund receivers, it is pretty drifty above around 15 mhz. My hq150 is not as stable on the higher bands as modern receivers, but it will sit on a 75 meter ssb net all day without attention. Hammarlund hq 160 communications receiver 1958 hammarlund s200 speaker 1958 when a fellow collector offered me this hammarlund radio with a matching speaker and its original manual, i just couldnt pass it up, even though its quite similar to my hammarlund hq 180ac.
The hq150, the hq150x were the last of the large single conversion hammarlund general coverage receivers. My hammarlund hq 120x was a 2002 christmas present from my elmer milt moratis w3xx ex k3ami of pittsburgh pa. We have 1 hammarlund hq 160 manual available for free pdf download. For cw and ssb operation, the more you experiment with the controls, study the schematic, and think about what you hear, the better your results. The schematic values look reasonable and should work well.
Most units had all the front panel labeling in white. When i arrived at the sellers house in virginia, i could hardly believe what i saw it was this hq 180ax, with its original box. With the hq120, introduced in december, 1938, hammarlund engineers succeeded in slashing the price by two thirds, while retaining most of the important features of the superpro, and introducing others. These receivers were hammarlunds last major releases to use vacuum tubes. These viewers may be required to view the manuals on this archive. Hammarlund hq180 service manual american radio history. View and download hammarlund hq160 instruction and service information online. Find hammarlund hq160 rigs and spare parts on ebay find the hammarlund hq160 on amazon the hammarlund hq160 general coverage receiver tunes from 540 to 30000 khz in six ranges. Theres not much to say about its condition, except that its wonderful. The hammarlund hq170 is a 17 tube super heterodyne triple conversion receiver that covers the 160 through the 6m bands in 7 segments. View and download hammarlund hq 100 service manual online. It was about 1980 or so when looking through the for sale section of the washington post i noticed a small ad. When i arrived at the sellers house in virginia, i could hardly believe what i saw it.
Some of that repair information may be helpful to you on an hq145. Hammarlund hq160 instruction and service information pdf. Hammarlund hq160 communications receiver 1958 hammarlund s200 speaker 1958 when a fellow collector offered me this hammarlund radio with a matching speaker and its original manual, i just couldnt pass it up, even though its quite similar to my hammarlund hq180ac theres not much to say about its condition, except that its wonderful. Here is a picture i took when we were having discussions about the audio response of the hq160170180 series. Hammarlund hq 170 and hq 180 receivers normally have some hum with the volume turned all the way down. Features included a product detector for singlesideband reception, double superheterodyne conversion, and a tnotch filter circuit. I now have had a chance to own and operate 6 of the hammarlund hq s, from the 120 thru the 160.
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